
The storm's son

There's truth in the thunder, love in the lightning
The feeling is frightening, yet isn't it exciting?

Out✦of character. . .

LOCATION Crystal // Coeurl


Hello all! I don’t really have a set moniker to go by, so you’re welcome to call me by my character’s name. I’ll also respond to Meallan, Porcelain Boss, or even just a “hey nerd.”I run in EST, and tend to give my availability based on that. I prefer Discord roleplay, but will 100% schedule in-game interactions if so desired.I am a chronic game/dungeon master, so I am entirely open to crafting long-term stories with your character, or doing involved dice-rolling scenes. Whatever floats our goats. However, this also means that I can and will withhold information if I want to surprise you later. Be prepared.

General Interaction Advice

  • If you want to roleplay, just let me know! We can discuss and schedule as we like, no need to be shy. Feel free to use my plot hooks if you need ‘em.

  • ERP is a hard no. Ildan isn’t into it, nor am I.

  • I have no qualms with high-powered characters, but draw the line at god-modding. If you want to make a show of strength, either we need to agree on relative power scaling, or let the dice decide.

  • Wanting to be an antagonist or on bad terms with Ildan is a-okay! I enjoy writing tense scenes between characters, and just because our characters fight doesn’t mean I dislike you.

  • Lore is squishy in this game, so bend to your heart’s content. However, please don’t outright break lore, or try to roleplay as a canon character; that’s just awkward for everyone involved. If you’re not sure where you fall, we can discuss it before going anywhere.

  • I use Bosnian as a stand-in for Bozjan whenever Ildan slips into his native language, but I am not a native speaker or at all fluent. If I’m using it wrong, or you want to give me pointers, I’m all ears!

⤈ Basic Details ⤈

Name: Ildan Akanote
Pronunciation: ILL-duhn
Pronouns: he/him
Sexuality: greysexual
Titles: Ser, Captain
Monikers: the Midnight Storm, the Storm’s Son
Home: Ishgard/Ul’dah
Marital Status: Married
Known Languages: Eorzean, Bozjan, Thavnairian, Ishgardian, Garlean(cannot speak), Turali (learning)

⤈ Physical ⤈

Height: 5’7
Hair Colour: midnight black with spruce green highlights
Eye Colour: emerald green
Race: Sun Miqo’te / Helion Hrothgar
Notable features: myriad scars on torso, arms, and legs; scar across bridge of nose; scar on jaw, elongated canine teeth
Ethnicity: Bozjan

⤈ Stats and Classes ⤈


Canon Classes: GNB, MNK, DRG
Classes in Training: PLD, SAM, VPR

⤈ Personality ⤈

Ildan is outwardly a very serious and dedicated person, his face rarely ever showing emotion. He is fairly quiet unless addressed or expected to converse, in which case he tends to be eloquent and careful with his words. With those he trusts, however, Ildan’s formal demeanor relaxes, revealing a habit of lightly teasing his friends and family, and a much more colourful vocabulary than should be used in public. But in either facade, Ildan is protective of those he loves, and is quick both to advise those in need or chastise those who overstep their bounds.

⤈ Powers & Abilities ⤈

  • Highly skilled in both weapons-based and unarmed martial arts, able to quickly learn new styles and techniques

  • Highly perceptive at assessing threat levels and noticing hostility in others

  • Able to train animals as mounts, war steeds, or hunting aides

  • Auracite crafting and enchantment

  • Draconic aether manipulation and empowerment

  • Chakra/ki manipulation and empowerment

  • Extremely limited spellcasting through verbal incantations

  • Psychometry/Echo

⤈ Symbolism ⤈

  • Tarot cards: The Lovers, The Chariot, Nine of Wands

  • Flowers: Hellebore, camelia sinesis, oxalis

  • Animals: Lions, capybaras, falcons

  • Elemental: Earth and Air

⤈ Possesions ⤈

  • Jewlery: Auracite hair beads, bronze fang braid ornament, sunburst earring, engagement ring

  • Odd effects: A small brass cylinder containing tenets of the Fist of Rhalgr

  • Prepared: Vials of a medicinal tea used to treat aether sickness

  • Specialist: A decorative set of claw-like rings connected by chains, each set with inscribed auracite

⤈ Small Details ⤈

  • Likes: his wife, tea, animals, coffee, reading, combat, teaching, hunting, Bozja

  • Dislikes: sugar-based treats, imperialism, oversweetened drinks, hypocrisy, lies, wearing shorts

  • Scent: cedar, sandalwood, smoke; hints of various herbs, teas, or coffee depending on the day

  • Animal Friends: Vjertobrac (eleonora’s falcon), Mraggi (Bozjan griffon), Z’skar (chocobo)

⤈ Quirks ⤈

  • Wears crimson eyeshadow and black eyeliner

  • Able to growl, snarl and roar like a leopard; unable to purr

  • Faceblind; matching faces to names and personal details takes him a long time

  • Assigns people Bozjan nicknames if he considers them family

  • Always prepared to engage in combat. Always

  • Wears glasses but doesn’t actually need them

  • Fluent in sign language for Eorzean, Ishgardian, and Bozjan

⤈ Story ⤈

⤈ Youth ⤈

Ildan was born in the late spring of 1563 of the Sixth Astral Era to two officers of a Bozjan resistance cell, known as the Slomljeni Ocnjaci, in hiding from the Garlean occupation forces. His father—Lieutenant Commander Harvan Akanote, a Helion hrothgar—was beyond proud to have a boy to call his own, while Ildan’s mother—Lieutenant Commander S’amareilla Akanote, a Seeker of the Sun miqo’te—seemed glad but worried for the boy’s future. And given their life as guerillas, this was a fair worry. Indeed, within a year and a half of his birth, Ildan’s mother went missing while on an espionage mission for the cell, shortly after which his aunt—Commander S’kari Thalemeris, S’amareilla’s sister—resigned her post and fled the nation. This left Harvan to raise Ildan himself, along with assuming the rank of Commander himself.

The next nine years saw Ildan grow up in constant exposure to war. He was trained in combat from the age of four, both with weaponry and martial arts, and showed promise in utilizing his chakra to empower himself. Between this training and the threat of being discovered by Garleans, lldan as a youth was quiet, focused, and dedicated to being useful to those around him. This meant learning to make and repair arms and armament in the forge and to go hunting for food. It also meant that Ildan took his first life at the age of 8 by means of a hunting knife into a Garlean soldier’s throat, an event which left a permanent mark on his psyche. Three more enemy soldiers would fall by Ildan’s hand before the age of 10, by which time he had made peace with both death and killing, for good or ill.In 1562 of the Sixth Astral Era, this way of life was disrupted when Harvan returned from a mission with intel hinting at disaster soon to befall Bozja. Most of the guerrillas refused to abandon their home nation, and though lldan himself didn’t want to leave his homeland, Harvan was completely sure that if they stayed, they would die. So Ildan, his father, and a few loyal members of the group packed their things and fled over the Jade Sea to Thavnair. There they found S’kari—who had built a life as a doctor for refugees and poor townsfolk—and settled in together. A month later, they received word of the Bozjan Incident, and that the Slomljeni Ocnjaci who had remained in Bozja were wiped out by the destruction of their home. Grieved but all the more determined for their cause, Ildan and his aunt stood by Harvan as the hrothgar reformed his soldiers into a mercenary company called the Domovina Ocnjaci, the “Homeland Fangs”. So transitioned Ildan’s life from a refugee to a sellsword.

⤈ Adolescence ⤈

For the next three years, Ildan served as a member of the Domovina Ocnjaci. His training was changed from general combat skills to specifically bodyguard techniques, keeping the legacy of Bozjan gunbreakers alive while also ensuring he’d be more capable of fighting in populated areas. S’kari also took great pleasure in ensuring her nephew grew his domestic skills—especially in traditional Bozjan cooking, tea and coffee making—and gave him stringent tactical and language lessons to grow his mental faculties and turn him into an officer-in-training. It was also during this time that Ildan was gifted a gryphon cub to be his lifelong mount and partner; the lad chose the name Mraggi for his steed. And during all this time, the Ocnjaci went from battlefield to battlefield, oversea and overland, fighting and killing all the way. In fact, Ildan lost track of how many lives he took before the age of 13.Eventually, however, Ildan was removed from that lifestyle. Harvan brought the boy to Ishgard while the Ocnjaci were under contract to aid in the realm’s protection, and took Ildan to the house of Zerlina Cia and Amaya Advarithi. Ildan was hired on by the two as a live-in bodyguard for their daughter, Vidhi Etoile Cia Advarithi, after which Harvan and the Ocnjaci took to the field with even more rigour. Hurt at being left behind, but understanding the rationale, Ildan threw himself fully into his role as a bodyguard. He didn’t like his principal at first, finding her annoyingly perceptive and stubbornly friendly, but eventually he softened to her, and became as much her confidant as her employee. This stretch of time also saw Ildan further his education under the wings of several private tutors who were teaching Vidhi, including the strict but fair Tori Banta, and due to Vidhi’s parents’ own training and advice for the boy.By the time he was 18, Ildan was an exemplary warrior, tactician, bodyguard, and lover of literature. This period also saw him begin adopting some elements of chivalry into his behaviour; a bodyguard in Ishgard couldn’t behave like a refugee, after all.However, this life too came to an end. Zerlina and Amaya left Vidhi in Ildan’s care to aid Archon Louisoix in the fight against Garlemald, and both they and the Ocnjaci were at Carteneau when the Red Moon fell. And sure enough, when Harvan returned with a battered and bloodied Ocnjaci, he informed Ildan and Vidhi that the latter’s parents were MIA, presumed dead. This left a 19 year old Ildan in charge of the 14-year-old Vidhi. Fully dedicated to her protection now, and knowing that they had no way of remaining in Ishgard without losing their way of life, Ildan and Vi chose instead to take to adventuring. He may have stopped being her official bodyguard by this point, but nonetheless, he was determined to protect her, and as they traveled through Eorzea, Ildan found himself being more and more attached to her, even if he couldn’t put his finger on why. He also began discovering a strange power that he had lacked before the Calamity; occasionally, when touching an object or standing in certain places, Ildan would have brief visions of past events. He mostly shook these off, but between those events and the growing ease at which he could fight, Ildan felt that yet more change was inevitable. Thankfully, despite all the changes and wandering, the two always had a home with Tori, who made sure the pair always had a room available under her roof.Eventually, though the adventuring lifestyle remained theirs for four years—earning coin as sellswords and through Vi’s performing talents—Ildan was drafted into the Dragoon Corps at the age of 23. Loath though he was to leave her, becoming a wanted man in Ishgard for draft-dodging would make their lives worse, so Ildan accepted the summons and bade Vi a goodbye with a promise to return to her once he was knighted. Back in Ishgard, he trained alongside Raiko Dal as part of a contingent of foreign or low-class conscripts—the Black Fangs, as they were called—until he received a letter from Gridania partway through training: Vidhi was missing, presumed kidnapped by Garleans. Enraged and in a panic, Ildan was permitted to leave early after enduring a test of his skills, and receiving an impromptu knighthood from Lord Cirros Archion. For the better part of the next six months, Ildan searched frantically for his lost principal until he was given an anonymous letter telling him to go to the Sylphlands. There, he found a catatonic Vidhi, and took her away with him to Ishgard, where his new knighthood could be put to use.

⤈ Adulthood ⤈

Now 24 years old, Ildan and Raiko used their knightly income to rent a small house in Coerthas, taking turns caring for Vi and handling their duties. During this time, Ildan finally had a label to put on his feelings for her: love. Thus he swore to himself to be all the stronger for her, all the more capable. After all, he was now a knight and a bodyguard, so it was his duty to keep her from all harm, especially from whichever Imperials had taken her in the first place.When Vi eventually returned to awareness—frailer, susceptible to aether sickness, but more magically powerful than before—Ildan made sure to care for her well. He regretted not being able to help the Eorzean Alliance fight the Garlean threat as the Seventh Astral Era dawned, but his place was at Vidhi’s side.That year of quietude in Coerthas was ended as the Dragonsong War took a turn for the worse. However, rather than be drafted into the frontlines as he’d expected to be, Ildan found his door knocked on by an Ala Mhigan by the name of Beau Dawnstrider. She needed his speararm, it seemed, as word had reached her of his combat prowess, early knighthood, and prior exploits. After much debating, Ildan and Vi set off with Beau to aid her in her adventures. Such sights and tasks they faced, Ildan would never have dreamed; their travels sent them across Eorzea, to the Far East, across the seas, into the heart of Garlemald, and to places far stranger. By the time their adventures were over, Ildan considered Beau to be an older sister, and he carried himself with a confidence found in those who could triumph over any adversity.It was on those travels that Ildan and Vidhi admitted their feelings for one another; or rather, Ildan confessed his and found them reciprocated. By the end of their journey, they were inseparable lovers, and having survived the Final Days, they sought a quieter life together. Between Ildan’s salary, a newfound stipend from Vidhi’s noble family in Thavnair, and other lines of income less clear-cut, the two not only bought and refurbished a home in Ishgard, but also one in Ul’dah. In these, they built a home for their adopted daughter—Akane Kilala—and began being able to provide a safe space for their various friends and peers they’d met and continued to make, such as Usagi Cruex, and many others. And in his 28th year of life, Ildan asked Vidhi to marry him. She agreed, and after their ceremony in Thavnair, they opened a small teashop in Ul’dah and tried to become normal people.But normalcy refused to be had, and soon enough, the pair headed out to Tural with Beau and other members of the family in tow. And even though this continent of unknowns could involve challenges unknown, Ildan knows that with Vidhi at his side, neither hell nor high water would stop them from coming home safe and sound.

⤈ Plot Hooks ⤈

Tea Shop (common)
If one wanders about in Ul’dah for long enough, they will stumble across the Verdant Café. Serving tea, coffee, pastries, and light meals on the days when it is open, the miqo’te behind the counter will be happy to make a bespoke tea blend for you if you ask him nicely. And of course, some polite conversation isn’t out of the question.
Weaponsmaster (common)
Those who frequent training grounds may easily run into a miqo’te male hard at work, though his weapon of choice will vary based on the day. Lances, gunblades, longswords, arming swords and shields, greatswords, dual one-handed swords, and even his bare fists all make appearances. Perhaps a sparring match would be enlightening, or even just some spectating.
Knight of the Corps (uncommon)
Anyone living in Ishgard, or familiar with the Dragoon Corps, will recognize a certain miqo’te who took part in the Dragonsong War, including the final battle against Nidhogg. Wearing armor of a dark, midnight blue, this foreign-born knight will occasionally appear at formal events honouring the Corps, and seems rather friendly with his superiors.
Captain of the Resistance (uncommon)
Among the various groups aiding the Bozjan Liberation from Garlemald was a group of former mercenaries called the Domovina Ocnjaci, and among them was a certain miqo’te officer. He has since left the frontlines, but both his tactical capabilities and martial prowess left an impression on friend and foe alike.

Aetheric Font (very rare)
If one happens to be sensitive to aether, or able to see it, then it would be hard to not notice this particular miqo’te. His soul positively radiates energy, though much of it seems to be forcibly drawn into a set of hair ornaments he wears, and what remains seems to circulate through his body. Yet if asked, he seems to have very little magical aptitude, and struggles to cast even simple spells.
Auracite Craftsman (very rare)
The crafting and usage of white auracite is a rather unknown study for most, though it was at one time used extensively by ancient Bozjans. In the modern era, however, one can occasionally find white auracite being shaped into magical tools or trinkets by a certain miqo’te goldsmith. What need one would have of such implements would depend highly on the seeker.
In Grand Company (very rare) (WoL hook only)
It is not unusual for those well-traveled to make friends abroad, but one particular miqo’te male seems to have friends in high places. He seems close with archons of Sharlayan, the leadership of Ala Mhigo and Thavnair, the heads of the Eorzean Alliance, and even lately has been seen in the company of Turalian figureheads. One can only wonder at what he gets up to.
Worlds Apart (extremely rare) (WoL hook only)
For the few who have come to the Source from other Shards, many people and places seem unnaturally familiar. However, one particular miqo’te is beyond just seeming similar; he seems to be the exact same person no matter which Shard he’s spotted on. This sort of travel leads to a good deal of questions, ones he may or may not answer immediately.

Vidhi Etoile Akanote Cia Advarithi

  • Pronouns: she/her

  • Relationship Type: Married

  • Nicknames: “my star”/”moja zvijezda”, “lovely”/”divna”, “lodestar”/”sjevernjača”, “my heart”/”moje srce”, “starling”/”čvorak”, “songbird”/”pjevica”, “my wife”/”moja supruga”

  • Description: Once his principal, then his comrade, and now his wife, Vi is the only person Ildan has ever loved. Nothing in the world could make him betray her, and he knows that her love for him is boundless. Her affection, generous heart, and occasional mischievous tendencies eternally enamour him, and he could spend days on end just watching her. No matter what may come, she is the queen of his heart, and he only hopes he can continue to deserve her.

Usagi Cruex

  • Pronouns: he/him

  • Relationship Type: Metamour

  • Nicknames: “black heart”/”crna srce”, “right hand”/”desna ruka”, “brother”/”brate”

  • Description: Initially hired as a butler and majordomo to help Ildan and Vi handle their homes, Usagi has since become Vi’s lover and one of Ildan’s most trusted allies. The viera male’s cold exterior and black-and-white view of the world remind Ildan of how he used to be before meeting Vi, and he hopes that warmth can be brought into Usagi’s life the longer they live together. But sometimes, Ildan sees good use for his paramour’s underlying bloodlust.

Beau Dawnstrider

  • Pronouns: she/they

  • Relationship Type: Sister-in-arms

  • Nicknames: “bright heart”/”svijetlo srce”, “paragon”/”uzor”, “giver”/”davalac”, “my shield”/”moj stit”

  • Description: By far Ildan’s most trusted ally, Beau is as much family to Ildan as his blood relatives, and even though their work often keeps them apart, she always has a place in his home and at his table. He admires her championing of heroism, altruism, and optimism for the future, even if the two sometimes disagree on the best way to handle serious matters. Even so, Ildan knows that should he or Vi need her, Beau will always be there.

Ruhwy “Raiko” Dal

  • Pronouns: she/her

  • Relationship Type: Comrade

  • Nicknames: “gossip”/”tracara”, “quickstep”/brzikorak”

  • Description: Though the two often butt heads over responsible use of their time and talents, Ildan knows Raiko is a capable fighter and a dedicated friend. He knows she cares for Vi deeply, and that she can be called on in times of trouble, but he does wish she’d be less flippant about things as a whole.

Tori Banta

  • Pronouns: she/they

  • Relationship Type: Mentor

  • Nicknames: “kind one”/”ljubazni”, “mistress”/”gazdarica”, “godmother”/”kuma”, “Miss Mini”

  • Description: Stern and brusque though she may be, Ildan highly values Tori’s kindness and honesty. He knows he can rely on her for a frank judgment of situations or things, and in turn knows that his thoughts and opinions will be valued in turn. If only their duties didn’t make it hard to spend time with each other.

Akane Kilala

  • Pronouns: she/her

  • Relationship Type: Adopted daughter

  • Nicknames: “little pea”/”malo graška”, “my eye”/”oko moje”, “daughter”/”kcer”

  • Description: Found as a teenage orphan during his adventuring years, Ildan sees in Akane youthful optimism and love for the world that he wishes he’d had when he was her age. As such, Ildan wants to make sure that her spark of happiness never goes out, though he does want to show her that not every part of the world is as bright as one may hope.


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